Dreams as a journey

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If your dreams were a journey and not just a destination, what would ​you ​dream…?

Dreams as a journeyOur dreams are dreams for a reason— they are signals that give clues as to our life’s true purpose. Oftentimes, fear separates us from our dreams, like a large, looming figure in a darkened street. It is this fear that stands between us and pursuing our true purpose in life. What will people think? What if I fail?​ These are the thoughts that race through our brains when we wrestle with the possibility of truly going after our dreams. If we were to look at our dreams as a ​journey​ as opposed to a destination – we. would. not. fail. When we approach our dreams as a part of the journey, we give our lives more meaning and purpose.

Welcome to the musings and teachings of me, Kelly Richey, award-winning blues guitarist, life + dream coach, spiritual director, health + wellness coach, writing facilitator and inspirational speaker. Varied are my Titles, Certifications and Program Offerings, but they all come back to form one central picture: realizing my dream of helping to build community through music and the healing arts.

I used my training as a Dream Coach, in particular, to help redefine ​my own​ dreams, as I realized that I had mistaken my ​talent for my purpose. ​Your ​talent is what you do, and your purpose is why you do it.

Hands reaching out

Tailored Programs

I tailor all of my programs to share with you these teachings through my deepest passions- music arts, creative arts, and the healing arts. As a Life Coach, I focus on helping people ​find their true purpose and live out their dreams as a journey instead of a destination. As a Spiritual Director, I give people the tools to discern divine presence in their lives to gain greater clarity and freedom to ​live​ their life’s purpose. As a Health + Wellness Professional, accredited through the International Health and Wellness Professional Coaches Association, I am dedicated to teaching the Wellness 360 approach to healing. I believe that a balanced life is critical to a happy, healthy one. When one area is out of balance, it affects the ​whole​.

From One-to-One Sessions both online and in-person to Lunch and Learns, Group Programs, Workshops, and Retreats, I have made sure that my services and programs are accessible to anyone​ in whatever capacity they may need.

Writing to Heal

As an avid writer since childhood, despite my lifelong struggles with dyslexia, I have also developed my own methods to overcome this debilitating problem and became a certified writing facilitator and an affiliate for the Cincinnati nonprofit group Women Writing for (a) Change. Through that avenue, I have developed a series of creative writing programs, which I facilitate through workshops, writing circles, school programs, as well as in private coaching sessions.

Finally, as an Inspirational Speaker, I bring to you a full life’s worth of experiences. I come to you as an artist – with all of the adversity, opportunity and struggle that that title represents, and through my own stories, challenge you to achieve more, fearless and challenge the status quo to find a more meaningful path.

Self-Care Providers

My most recent endeavor is the launch of a new business called Self-Care Providers coming. March of 2019, where we believe “The Best Health-Care is Self-Care!” Developed and delivered with the support of Nurse Practitioner and Registered Yoga Teacher Tamara White, the Power of Self-Care Lunch & Learn program is CEU-eligible and offers simple, healthy, compassionate practices for busy, burnt-out and stressed employees. One Breath, One Stretch, One Affirmation…at a time!

I have found my true path and am able to live ​my ​purpose though Life + Dream Coaching, Spiritual Direction, Writing Facilitation and Inspirational Speaking. Let me help you find ​your ​true path so you too can truly live out your purpose through one of my deeply personal, healing, spiritual programs. Over the course of the next few posts, we’ll be deep-diving into what each of the services is all about. I am excited to share with you all that I have to offer. In the meantime, you can learn more about me at the following websites ​www.kellyrichey.com​ and www.selfcareproviders.com​. You can also contact me directly at ​kelly@kellyrichey.com​ to schedule a consultation.


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